‘misadventures of a garden state yogi’ book review

Reading books has never been on the top of my to-do list. Let’s just say Cliffs Notes were a good friend to me in school. So basically, it is rare for a book to attract my attention, even then to hold it and to read it in its entirety. ‘Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi’ has achieved both. It is about the yoga journey of Brian Leaf; how he first found yoga and from there discovered its healing powers. Even though, my own journey with yoga is somewhat less exciting as his, it made me reminisce to when I first started yoga. I only wish that mine had involved a cross-country road trip. How exciting it must of been to explore the country and yoga! I felt like I was on this adventure with Brian. I was fully invested in where the next leg of his yogic journey brought him. This is a great read for the yogi or non-yogi. Yogis can find some way to relate and incorporate their own journey in this novel, and non-yogis..well there is a yogi in everyone, maybe this will release it in you! …and with the holidays approaching this would make the perfect gift 🙂

more about brian and the book — http://www.misadventures-of-a-yogi.com/

check out the trailer on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcYFYjnU9Cw